Today is a good day! We launch the official site to the world.
Welcome to online omnichannel targeting for the modern marketer - and their agency!
Owner & Developer of is Global Data Resources.
Together with our transparent data partners: Kantar • Nordic Data Resources • TransUnion
we give agencies and advertisers the tool and the data to succeed in the cookieless ad world!
Read the press release here: No cookies. No problem. : Modern Marketing Milestone
Sign up to omnichannel
IDFree is the smart and respectful way for data owners to maximize revenue without cookies or other online identifiers.
A simple sign-up is all you need in order to:
• Build your audience by testing & tweaking combinations of categories
• Validate your audience by seeing who you target before you
• Activate the same audience on social media, video, display, mobile & DOO
(a growing number of DSPs will integrate with
Try online omnichannel targeting with your team and/or client - and watch the silos break down!