The May issue of IDFree Insider is out celebrating a massive update of over 2000 audiences in the Nordics - based on the latest research and survey insights data from leading consumer analysts like Kantar.
To be able to trust that you work with current high-quality and multi-layered consumer data is a recipe for relevant reach!
As a responsible targeting provider, we continually update the numerous data from our main partners and national statistics offices.
This data maintenance of more than 2000 audiences is part of our insights service to marketers who no longer "cookie-track" consumers across their entire online life.
The Trade Desk Activation is Integrated
In other good news, we announce that The Trade Desk is now a fully integrated activation platform in
Log in to see for yourself how our integrated activation platforms help you. Or check out this instruction video on how to push your audience data to The Trade Desk platform for instant activation.
Read all about it in IDFree Insider.
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